ezek az én képeim. a kedvenc hidamról. egyébként azért a kedvencem, mert piros. és bár a sárgás fényű fotókon nem látszik, tényleg piros. vörös. és kopott. és emlékeztet egy kicsit a szanfranciszkói hídra. igaz, ott még nem jártam, de egyszer elmegyek, tervbe van véve. egyszer majd körbeutazom a földet. talán nem az egészet, de európát minden bizonnyal. és azért ellátogatok majd amerikába is, ahol egy gyors körutat fogok tenni, kezdve newyorkkal, és befejezve a losangelesi nagy vidámparkokkal. ja és lenyitható tetejű autóval fogom végigszelni amerika nagy sivatagos útjait, és nagyon hangosan fogok közben zenét hallgatni, és ha olyan társaságom lesz (márpedig olyan lesz) aki nem ilyed meg egy kis énekléstől sem, akkor nagyon hangosan fogok énekelni is, és a hajam szállni fog a szélben, és lesz egy klassz napszemüvegem is, amitől egész menőnek fogom magam érezni, és igen igen jókedvű leszek. hogyan is jutottam el idáig? ja persze a híd. de ha már itt tartok, akkor van is egy ilyen dalocska, amit ide kattintva meg is hallgathattok, és teljesebb lesz a kép.
mando diao - wildfire
these are my pictures. about my favourite bridge. it's my favourite, because it's red. and although it can't be seen on the yellow-lighted photos, it's red. and rusty. it's a bit like the golden gate bridge in sanfrancisco, isn't it? I mean I don't really know, beacause I've never been there, but I will. it's already planned. once I'll travel around the whole world, well maybe not the whole world, but surely aruond europe. and then I'll take a quick trip through the usa, too. I'll begin with newyork, and the trip will end with the funfairs in losangeles. and I will travel with a car (with a convertible top) through the motorways of the wild deserts of america, and I will listen to music, to very loud music, and if my company won't be afraid from a little singing (and of course they won't) I will sing very loudly too, and my hair will fly with the wind, and I will have very cool sunglasses, and also I will feel myself very cool, and I will be rather happy. oh and I put here a song, which you have to listen, even if you have already heard it. and please forgive me every mistake concerning my english. :)
mando diao - wildfire
mando diao - wildfire
these are my pictures. about my favourite bridge. it's my favourite, because it's red. and although it can't be seen on the yellow-lighted photos, it's red. and rusty. it's a bit like the golden gate bridge in sanfrancisco, isn't it? I mean I don't really know, beacause I've never been there, but I will. it's already planned. once I'll travel around the whole world, well maybe not the whole world, but surely aruond europe. and then I'll take a quick trip through the usa, too. I'll begin with newyork, and the trip will end with the funfairs in losangeles. and I will travel with a car (with a convertible top) through the motorways of the wild deserts of america, and I will listen to music, to very loud music, and if my company won't be afraid from a little singing (and of course they won't) I will sing very loudly too, and my hair will fly with the wind, and I will have very cool sunglasses, and also I will feel myself very cool, and I will be rather happy. oh and I put here a song, which you have to listen, even if you have already heard it. and please forgive me every mistake concerning my english. :)
mando diao - wildfire
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